The training visa allows a person to participate in workplace-based training in improving hands-on skills or to complete certain work experience requirements for registration in their occupation.

This is similar to the student visa however instead of classroom based teaching, it is for the students/candidates to learn or improve their hands-on skills in a workplace setting rather than a classroom setting

There are three (3) streams available for this training visa:

  • Occupational Training for Registration – This stream is for workplace-based training which is required to get occupational registration or licensing to work in Australia or their home country.
  • Occupational Training to enhance skills – This stream are for those already studying or working in their occupation but wish to improve their skills. They are required to demonstrate at least 12 months full time equivalent experience (study or work) from the last 24 months in the relevant occupation. The occupation must be found on the occupation list. The trainer/employer will also need to provide a tailored training plan for the candidate’s specific needs.
  • Occupation Training for capacity building overseas – this stream are for either:
    • Students who are currently enrolled in an educational institution overseas who wishes to complete their mandatory period of practical training in Australia for no more than 6 months;
    • Training where the national or state/territory government agency has provided support in Australia and in the home country of the nominee;
    • Professional development programs involving face to face classroom teaching in Australia. This is usually used for overseas employers to send their managerial or professional employees.

The training visa can be granted for up to 2 years but most of all the length of the visa will depend on length of the tailored training plan.

Click here to see other sponsored visa options. 

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